Budgeting app helps users manage their finances effortlessly. Track spending, set goals, and get personalized financial tips from an AI assistant to improve money management skills.
Nextj.js Clerk.js Drizzle ORM PostgreSQL OpenAI Tailwind CSS shadcn/ui
Key Features:
Financial Tracking
Track spending, income, and savings
Multiple Budgets
Manage multiple budgets with shared categories
AI Assistant
Get personalized financial advice
Holistic View
See all budgets in one place for easy management
This budgeting app helps users manage multiple budgets with shared categories while tracking spending, income, and savings. With a built-in AI assistant offering personalized financial advice, users can get a clear view of their finances and make informed decisions with ease.
- Budgets: users can create and manage multiple budgets with shared categories.
- Transactions: sort, search, and track spending, income, and savings effortlessly.
- AI Assistant: get personalized financial advice to optimize budgeting and spending decisions.
Here's an overview of the key technologies powering my project:
- Corestack: Next.js.
- Styling: Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui, Framer Motion.
- Authentication: Clerk.js.
- Cloud Services and APIs: Drizzle ORM, Neon (PostgreSQL), OpenAI API.